saturday, 15 february Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16



Nadia Markiewicz
21.10.2022 – 8.01.2023 vernissage: 21.10.2022, 6 PM
Happy Family, a home counselling centre
Karolina Balcer
7.10.2022 – 8.01.2023 vernissage: 7.10.2022, 6 PM
Dialogi młodych: INNY – edycja 6.
22.07 – 2.10.2022
Invisible Islands
Natalia Czarcińska, Dorota Tarnowska-Urbanik
8.07 – 25.09.2022 vernissage: 8.07.2022, 6 pm
Exercises in Losing Control
Karolina Breguła oraz goście i gościnie: Yulin Huang, Yi-Jin Huang, Zuo-Xin Tang, Po-I Chen, Print & Carve Dept., Grupa Filmowa Kino Свобода
29.04 – 26.06.2022 vernissage: 29.04.2022, 6 pm
Politics of (In)Accessibilities
obywatelki z niepełnosprawnościami i osoby sojusznicze
11.02 – 10.04.2022 vernissage: 11.02.2022, 6 pm


Art of Participation, Joy, Burnout, and Regeneration: ‘Acting Together’ Promotional Event
10.12.2022, 6 PM
a storytelling guided tour of the exhibition "Happy Family, A Home Counselling Centre"
24.11.2022, 6 PM
On material, form and creative pursuits. The concrete legacy of modernism in communist Poland
On-line lecture
22.11.2022, 6 PM
Companions, Sponsors, Streetworkers
Work on the Street
17.11.2022, 6 PM
Crip art, or the revolutionisation of canons in art
lecture by Magda Szarota
16.11.2022, 6 PM
Drag Queen. Conceptualization of the Persona
a workshop with Babcia
15.11.2022, 6-8 PM
Happy Family. A Mental Health Guidebook
publication discussion meeting
9.11.2022, 6 PM
Anthropological tour of Karolina Balcer’s exhibition “Happy Family, A Home Counselling Centre”
5.11.2022, 3 PM
crochet workshops
18–21.10.2022, 2 – 7 PM and 22.10.2022, 10 AM - 2 PM
Companions, Sponsors, and Streetworkers
Ariadne’s Thread
13.10.2022, 6 PM
textile workshops
10-15.10.2022, 2-7 PM
Guided tour of the exhibition "Happy Family, a home counselling centre" with Karolina Balcer and Zofia Nierodzińska.
guided tour of the exhibition
8.10.2022, 3 PM
Agency and Solidarity
online meeting
5.05.2022, 6 pm
Politics of (In)Accessibilities Citizens with Disabilities, and Their Allies
curatorial tour
9.04.2022, 3 PM
(Out of the)Ordinary
A talk and action of putting yourself in the shoes of a person with a disability
26.03.2022, 4-7 pm
Deaf migrants from the East living in Poland
online meeting
24.02.2022, 6 pm
Move on! Performative transformation of (in)accessible spaces
laboratory of work with the body
Niezbędnik Afazjanina (Essential Aphasian)
a workshop for aphasia patients and carers
18.02.202, 11 am
Spelling the Gaps of Evey Single Day
a workshop
17.02.2022, 6 pm


What does a sliced apple and a staircase have in common?
Family Encounters with Art Workshop
26.11.2022, 11 AM - 1 PM
Gallery in Pieces
a workshop for school groups – grades 4–8
15.11.2022, 9 AM - 12.30 PM
History of the waistband - the skirt
22.10.2022, 3 – 7.15 PM
Let’s Make a Mask! A workshop for groups of school students – class IV–VI
18.10.2022, 9 – 10.30 AM, 11 AM – 12.30 PM
Metamorphoses – a workshop from the series Family Encounters with Art
15.10.2022, 11 AM – 1 PM
Intercultural Herbarium
Family Meetings with Art
19.07.2022, 5 PM
Take Yourself for a Walk!
Meeting 4 / Szklarka Valley - The trail in the treetops
9.07.2022, 11 am
Natural Friendship
Family Meetings with Art
11.06.2022, 11 am
Take Yourself for a Walk!
Meeting 3 / Łęgi Dębińskie
4.06.2022, 11 am
An Afternoon with Horticultural Therapy
Meeting 5: Eco-Printing
1.06.2022, 11 am
An Afternoon with Horticultural Therapy
Meeting 4: Plant plaster casts
25.05.2022, 11 am
An Afternoon with Horticultural Therapy
Meeting 3: Plant Cyanotype
18.05.2022, 11 am