friday, 7 february Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16



Permanent Liberation
Kirill Diomchev (NEVIDIVISM)
1-17.12.2023 vernissage: 1.12.2023, 6 PM
Swimming at Dusk
Aga Nowacka, Zofia Tomczyk
17.11.2023–14.01.2024 vernissage: 17.11.2023, 6 PM
The Nightmares of the Ten
22.09 – 5.11.2023 vernissage: 22.09.2023, 6 PM
Dialogi młodych: INNY – edycja 7.
23.06 – .09.2023
A Mute Witness To History
16.06 – 3.09.2023 vernissage: 16.06.2023, 6 PM
Political Anatomy
Vlada Ralko, Volodymyr Budnikov
6-11.06.2023 vernissage: 6.06.2023, 6 PM
The 13th Graphic Art Biennal
21.04 – 4.06.2023
From the City of Iron and Concrete
З міста Залізобетону / Из города Железобетона
17.03 – 16.04.2023 vernissage: 17.03.2023, 6 PM
Atlas of Tectonic Landscapes
Sergey Shabohin
3.02 – 5.03.2023 vernissage: 3.02.2023, 6 PM
Here and Then at Dusk
Adriana Molenda, Anton Varga
13.01 – 5.03.2023 vernissage: 13.01.2023, 6 PM


What Do I see?
a painting workshop for adults
27.09.2023, 5.30-7 PM
Laid-back Arsenał #6
Workshop of Post-Impressionist painting
26.09.2023, 6 PM
Better Futures: solarpunk, imagination, utopia
2nd meeting
19.09.2023, 6 PM
Laid Back Arsenał #4
The art of macramé
25.07.2023, 5 PM
Laid Back Arsenał #3
Plant cuisine workshop
18.07.2023, 5 PM
Laid Back Arsenał #2
Handicraft workshop / PL+PSL
11.07.2023, 6 PM
Residency and cultural exchange project for artists and cultural workers from Belarus
Contemporary art for seniors
guided tour
31.05.2023, 11 AM
Contemporary art for seniors
guided tour
26.04.2023, 11.00 AM
Art fair on the Night of Museums 2023
open call
17.04 – 7.05.2023
Open Lab: Kharkiv Art Scene and the East of Ukraine
Meeting with Tatyana Malinovskaya and Artem Volokitin, artists from Kharkiv.
18.03.2023, 2 PM
Environmental histories of Lake Rusałka
a walk
4.03..2023, 11 AM
Atlas of Tectonic Landscapes, Sergey Shabohin
curatorial tour
16.02.2023, 6 PM
13th Biennale of Graphic Arts
Here and Then at Dusk, Adriana Molenda, Anton Varga
curatorial tour
11.02.2023, 2 PM
A tragic history of an idyllic lake
a debate panel about Lake Rusałka 26 January 2023, 6 pm
26.01.2023, 6 PM
Here and Then at Dusk, Adriana Molenda, Anton Varga
curatorial tour
25.01.2023, 5 PM
Permeation – Rusałka – a lake that unites
art and education workshop
19.01.2023, 6 PM
Drag Queen. Performance
workshop with Babcia
10.01.2023, 6 PM


Colourful Smiles on Your T-shirt
A Family Encounters With Art workshop
23.09.2023, 11 AM-1 PM
14.09.2023, 4.30-5.30 PM
Dragons’ Whispers
Fantasy model painting workshop for young people and adults
26.07.2023, 5 – 7 PM
Wooden Magnets
workshop of the series Family Encounters with Art
22.07.2023, 11 AM – 1 PM
A Tea Mandala
A Family Encounters With Art workshop
22.04.2023, 11 AM – 1 PM
A City Not Only of Iron and Concrete
a workshop for school groups (grades 1-3)
Closer to One Another – a series of interdisciplinary therapy meetings
Immerse – feel the healing power of nature
3.04.2023, 11.30 AM - 1.45 PM
Closer to One Another – a series of interdisciplinary therapy meetings
Talk to him/her – meet yourself in a photograph portrait
27.03.2023, 11.30 AM - 1.45 PM
Closer to One Another – a series of interdisciplinary therapy meetings
Find your inner world in personal photographs
20.03.2023, 11.30 AM - 1.45 PM
Closer to One Another – a series of interdisciplinary therapy meetings
Hear, feel and see yourself in a cup of tea
13.03.2023, 11.30 AM - 1.45 PM
The Big Green
a workshop in the series Family Encounters with Art
4.03.2023, 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM
Carnival with the bird motif
family encounters with art
21.01.2023, 11 AM