friday, 7 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Niezbędnik Afazjanina (Essential Aphasian)
a workshop for aphasia patients and carers
18.02.202, 11 am

Based on the film Niezbędnik Afazjanina (Essential Aphasian), we offer you a workshop that shows you specific activities to be put into practice. They range from the Aphasian Passport, through understanding the calendar and ideas for cognitive rehabilitation, to learning a specific application. It's important that we all come together and see each other for who we are. We, the patients who may be one year after the stroke and those 12 years after, and our carers. Together we are able to create a support group, one of the best forms of rehabilitation support after a stroke.

The workshop will begin with a joint viewing of an excerpt from Essential Aphasian, in which the author shows her own incapacity. The author will talk about her experience of the illness and her work on the film. A learning app will be introduced and tested. Finally, social games, refreshments and conversation are planned.


Karolina Wiktor – artist, author, animator of meetings on culture and neuroscience. In the years 2001-2010, together with Aleksandra Kubiak, she was a member of the performance duo Sędzia Główny (Chief Judge). 2009, the year Karolina Wiktor had a stroke, was a watershed in her career. She described her experiences in a poetic biographical book Wołgą przez Afazję (On the Volga through Aphasia), published by Korporacja Ha!art in 2014. The author of the blogs and