friday, 7 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Permeation – Rusałka – a lake that unites
art and education workshop
19.01.2023, 6 PM

Situated in the western part of Poznań, in the greenery wedge in the district of Golęcin, Lake Rusałka is today a place of recreation and rest for the residents of the city. Poznań dwellers take advantage of the charm of the location, practicing sports and strolling in the area. However, this idyllic atmosphere contrasts with the tragic origin of the lake. It was dug out during the Second World War, following the designs of German architects, by the superhuman efforts of Jewish prisoners and Polish forced labourers.

During the workshop, a spatial installation will be created, depicting the duality of Lake Rusałka, combining the brutal history of the lake's creation with today's recreational character of the place.

The workshop will begin with a short introduction to the history and natural characteristics of Lake Rusałka and its surroundings. The participants will then create miniature paintings on glass, inspired by history, nature or their own experiences and thoughts about the lake. The participants will be taught the basics of glass painting and glass decoration with coloured foils. The miniature paintings will be then hung on fishing lines, against the background of a previously made painting depicting Lake Rusałka. Appropriate illumination of the glass will create shadows of the images created by the participants. In this way, as the workshop moderator explains, a "collective mosaic" will be created.