thursday, 13 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Meeting around the book “Antywzorce” we współczesnej sztuce i kulturze wizualnej
13.06.2018, godz. 19.00

The book “Antywzorce” we współczesnej sztuce i kulturze wizualnej was published by Arsenał Municipal Gallery in 2018.

The starting point of the publication is the idea of “anti-models”, discussed by Pascal Gielen and Thijs Lijster in the article Culture: The Base of Civil Society in Europe (2015). Reflecting on the ways of acting of contemporary artist of both sexes, the writers invited to co-author the book “Antywzorce” we współczesnej sztuce i kulturze wizualnej give an account of placing these activities in the complex and ambiguous field of culture production. Looking at selected social practices and the attendant values, they reflect on the dominant and oppositional culture orders and analyse the modes of creation of alternative narratives. Furthermore, the book asks questions about the kind and meaning of the tools used in various areas of visual culture and art. It tries to recognise and address the cultural patterns, proposes a critical re-reading of the strategies of resistance and standardisation inscribed into the contemporary visual culture.

The event will focus not only on the book, but also on other phenomena connected with visual art and culture, which goes against the grain, rejects accepted conventions and – besides being critical of reality – suggest new solutions.

Sandra Frydrysiak – Ph.D. in the Humanities, expert in Culture Studies and sociologist researching Gender Studies, New Media Studies and Dance Studies. Lecturer at the Łódź University Joint European Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies GEMMA; at the Department of Culture Studies of SWPS University in Warsaw; at the Department of Culture Studies of Nicolas Copernicus University in Toruń, and at the UMFC Department of Dance in Warsaw. Member of the AMU Interdisciplinary Research Centre Humanities/Art/Technology. Author of the monograph Taniec w sprzężeniu nauk i technologii. Nowe perspektywy w badaniach tańca (2017).

Bartek Lis – Ph.D. in the Social Sciences (sociologist), social researcher, educator. Curator of social projects at the Contemporary Museum in Wrocław (2012-2017). Since 2017, he has cooperated with the Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań.

Karolina Sikorska – Culture Studies scholar, graduate of Gender Studies, assistant professor at the Department of Culture Studies of Nicolas Copernicus University in Toruń, curator of art and education projects, editor of publications dedicated to the visual culture and culture education (e.g. Zawód: kurator, with A. Czaban and M. Kosińska, 2014; Błędnik codzienności, with A. Szyłak, 2015; Poradnik metodyczny. Edukacja kulturowa, 2016). Between 2008–2014 (until March) she worked in the Arsenał Municipal Gallery, since 2012 as deputy director. Since 2013 she has collaborated with the Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań as a researcher of the Centre for Education Practices.

with Sandra Frydrysiak, Bartek Lis and Karolina Sikorska

moderator: Marta Kosińska