saturday, 26 october Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Let’s Build a City
3.03.2018, godz. 11.00-13.00

Have you ever wondered what the city really is? What does it consist of? What is necessary for its functioning? How can we participate in its development? The Arsenał Municipal Gallery welcomes the presence of children aged 5 - 10 with carers at a free workshop.

During the family workshops, we will turn the Gallery into an architectural office. We will let the youngest participants present what the city means for them. Thanks to creating our own model of the city, we'll get used to the problems of getting around in the urban context. While having a whale of time, we will address important social issues, such as the presence of disabled people in the urban space. We will try to look at the city from the perspective of drivers and cyclists. We will learn how important for our life the place where we live is.

We will have at our disposal cartons, tubes, trays, and cardboard rolls.  By painting, colouring and gluing together these materials, children will create a model of their creature-city. Together, we will design streets, trams, stops, bicycle paths, benches, and monuments. We will plan the surroundings that will serve every single resident. We will reflect on what we may miss and what elements are necessary for the operation of the city. A conversation combined with active participation will allow us to create a model of the dream creature-city. Why a creature-city? Because it is brought to life by human beings, who daily re-create the space that surrounds them.

The workshop will be hosted by Ola Piernikowska, a multimedia artist, who has been working with children for 9 years. She is active in the fields of installation, sculpture, painting, graphics, and music. We encourage you to bring all the paper objects that seem useless at home: boxes, toilet paper insides, etc.

moderator: Ola Piernikowska