friday, 14 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Pole Extremes
10.07 — 6.09.2020

The Poles. Dialogues of Young People project aims to motivate young artists to intense work, self-reflection and debates. The problem to consider in this edition was another person, or Emmanuel Levinas’s THE OTHER. This is simply another person but also a stranger. The word contains more than one meaning. THE OTHER is not me, someone else, but THE OTHER is also a newcomer or a stranger, someone different… Nowadays we face dramatic reactions to otherness, we test ours and others’ tolerance and openness to THE OTHER. Poznań University of Arts students have been working for several months, considering the content and looking for a form for their artistic expression. Young artists entered into a dialogue which this exhibition is a follow-up of. It is the result of many meetings, discussions, joint and individual work.

The exhibition concludes the pilot edition of the project Poles. Dialogues of Young People with the participation of students from the Poznań University of Arts: Alicja Rybkowska and Marcin Salwin

Assistance: Bogna Błażewicz, Arsenał Municipal Gallery; Dorota Tarnowska-Urbanik and Natalia Czarcińska, Poznań University of Arts


Jerzy Sadowski
6-29.12.2024 vernissage: 6.12.2024, 6 pm
Pushing Doors That Say ‘Pull’
22.11 – 29.12.2024 vernissage: 22.11.2024, 6 pm
Poles. Dialogues of Young People: THE OTHER, 8th ed.
Karolina Piotrowska, Zuzanna Bandosz
15.11 – 1.12.2024 vernissage: 15.11.2024, 6 pm
Nowa Amerika
Michael Kurzwelly
11.10 – 10.11.2024 vernissage: 11.10.2024, 6 pm
Agata Bogacka
19.07 – 6.10.2024 vernissage: 19.07.2024, 6 pm
artyści z grupy Lagunart pod przewodnictwem Agnieszki Balewskiej
18.07 – 29.09.2024 vernissage: 18.07.2024, 6 pm
Comfort Work
Andrii Dostliev, Lia Dostlieva
26.07 – 22.09.2024 vernissage: 26.07.2024, 6 pm
In the Absence of the State
Luz María Sánchez
24.05 – 7.07.2024 vernissage: 24.05.2024, 6 pm