friday, 18 october Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

VISUAL AIDS: Alternate endings, activists rising
1.12.2018, godz. 17.00

On Saturday, 1st of December, the Arsenal Municipal Gallery joins, alongside the institutions such as The Broad, Los Angeles; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago or Casco in Utrecht, the celebration of the World AIDS Day. We will screen the films from the Visual AIDS archive and discuss HIV related issues in the Polish context. We will rise up topics related to the stigmatization of people living with HIV and the resulting precarisation of them, we will deconstruct the myths that surround the virus and will try to cure us all of HIV-ocrisy. We will give voice to the groups most exposed to the lack of structural assistance in the prevention and treatment of HIV / AIDS, that is to people with precarious status, ethnic and sexual minorities, as well as a group of middle-aged people who underestimate the possibility of infection. Diagnosing that the most dangerous diseases are ignorance and silence, we will try to find an antidote to them.

Screening of films from the Visual AIDS archive will bring us closer to the activities of such groups as: ACT UP NY, Positive Women's Network, Sero Project, The SPOT, Tacoma Action Collective and VOCAL NY. The presentation will be preceded with an introduction of Karolina Kubik, artist and activist, lecturer at the University of Arts in Poznań.

Subsequently, the Polish social campaign: „HIVokryzja. Wyleczymy się” will be presented.

Before we will open the flor to other inputs and comments, we will ask Agata Kwiatkowska from the Social Education Foundation, doctor Tomasz Rojewski and Paweł Ziemba, activist of the Stonewall group and a nun of Sisters of Perpetual Pleasure, to share with us their professional experiences and subjective thoughts on HIV and AIDS.

Moderation: Zofia nierodzińska, Jacek Zwierzyński