friday, 18 october Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Nowa Amerika
spotkanie z Michaelem Kurzwellym
15.10.2020, g. 18.00

Michael Kurzwelly has created an actual utopia on the Rivers Oder and Neisse. It is called Słubfurt due to the two border towns.

Słubfurt has a unique and intercultural climate. The residents use a variety of languages: German, Polish, English, and naturally Słubfurtian, which makes the place an attractive centre for the development of solar economy, garden statues and tourism. Since 2010 Słubfurt has been the capital of Nowa Amerika.

Nowa Amerika is a documentary by Kristof Kannegießer. It tells a story about a country in-between, at the crossroads of geographical and mental worlds. Michael Kurzwelly and his companions undermine the stilted and difference-based ideas of nationalism via the practice of friendship, not so obvious alliances and play. Nowa Amerika is a road movie that traverses an unknown land, with no clearly delineated outline on the world’s map, a white zone open to projection and interpretation.

A conversation with the artist and activist Michael Kurzwelly

Moderator: Marek Wasilewski

Screening of Nowa Amerika, dir. Kristof Kannegießer, 2016

The meeting will be held in Polish

Limited number of places / register:

Photo: stills from the Nowa Amerika film, dir. Kristof Kannegießer

Photography: Dietmar Ratsch, Kristof Kannegießer, Guido Kilbert