friday, 14 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Magical Engagement
oprowadzanie z przewodniczkami i artystkami
19.09.2020, g. 15.00
The Magical Engagement exhibition, over which Spider Woman of Many Threads has spread her pedipalps, is a place where many threads are intertwined: activist, artistic, anti-fascist, animist, animalist, anti-competitive, magical, queer-feminist, and related to social and environmental justice. The event taking place as a part of the exhibition aim to break the “everyday capitalism spells”, and expose the severed ties between the social world and what is commonly considered as “natural”. The title refers to what has been repressed in the world driven by logic of capitalist Anthropocene, namely magic, ritual, memory of human and non-human ancestors, sympathy, relations. The opening of the exhibition will take place during the autumn solstice. Due to the pandemic reality, the live performances will be transferred to the net. It will be possible to see and listen to the SIORY collective and the Odłam Źdźbło choir in the virtual space.
Visitors can explore the exhibition choosing one of the trails: activist, education, or the trail of magical engagement through art, which cross in some places and merge in others. There are guides for each trail. On the Activist Trail, symbolically divided into stops dedicated to water, air, earth, forest, animals, and movements.
Entering the artistic trail, you can meet a Bieszczady storyteller and activist Michał Chomiuk, a raftswoman and painter Ewa Ciepielewska, an artist Anna Błachno, an author of pickled installations Adelina Cimochowicz, a visual artist Małgorzata Gurowska, author of the Silphium fountain Natala Biało, illustrator and traveller Yoanna Gwarek, photographer Damien Brailly, interdisciplinary artist Olga Anna Markowska, folk artist from Rogalinek Jadwiga Anioła, creator of inclusive, rural street art Daniel Rycharski and singer and tapestry artist Joanna Borof.
By choosing the Education Trail, the visitors can experience the exhibition not only as a presentation space, but also as a place of action. The participants in educational events bring their engagement to the gallery – sometimes intentionally leaving their trace, sometimes completely unknowingly sowing the seeds brought on the soles of their shoes. Young and old play scavenger hunt, prepare screenplays and storyboards – all this in order to participate actively and express what they think and how they see the institutional art space.
We recycle and upcycle the rituals out of oblivion on the cellular level. As representatives of the human race, humanus in Latin, we feel we are made of this earth, so we search for genealogy in more familiar humus rather than in a patriarchal violence of a family name. We want to lose our identity in a symbiotic, sentient and creative biomass, to become nameless children of compost.

Artistic trail:
Jadwiga Anioła, Natala Biało, Anna Błachno, Joanna Borof, Damien Brailly, Michał Chomiuk, Ewa Ciepielewska, Adelina Cimochowicz, Małgorzata Gurowska, Yoanna Gwarek, Hanna Husberg, Cecylia Malik, Olga Anna Markowska, Odłam Źdźbło, Klaudia Paliwoda, Daniel Rycharski, Ola Winnicka / SIORY, Wspólnota międzygatunkowa +
Activist trail:
BASTA! Inicjatywa na Rzecz Zwierząt, BRUK kolektyw akcyjno-reporterski, Ende Gelände, Extinction Rebellion, Flow, Fundacja Mare, Góra św. Anny, Grzybiarki Przeciwko Myśliwym, Inicjatywa Dzikie Karpaty, Karpacki Ruch Antyłowiecki, Klub Gaja, Lokalsi dla Puszczy, Limity jsme my, Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny, Nasze Jeże, Niech Żyją!, Obóz dla Klimatu, Obóz dla Mierzei Wiślanej, Obóz dla Puszczy, Occupy Chevron, Otwarte klatki, Polski Alarm Smogowy, Poznaniacy Przeciwko Myśliwym, Puszcza Bukowa, Ratujmy Imielin, Ratujmy Dolinę Rospudy, Projektowany Turnicki Park Narodowy, Rykowisko dla jeleni - nie dla myśliwych, Siostry Rzeki, Stowarzyszenie Eko-Przyjezierze, Stowarzyszenie Nasz Bóbr, Tama Tamie, Viva! Akcja dla zwierząt, W Obronie Polesia, Warszawski Ruch Antyłowiecki, Wolę Być, Zielona Fala
Education Trail:
Dziewczyny w Naturze: Sara Grolewska i Anka Gruszka, Magdalena Garczarczyk, Jan Kaczmarek, Robert Kalak, Tomasz Knioła, Michael Kurzwelly, Michał Michlewicz, Klaudia Lewczuk
Paweł Błęcki, Kinga Mistrzak, Zofia nierodzińska, Anna Siekiera
Marta Bączyk, Julia Dziewit, Matylda Konarska, Marika Opas, Aleksandra Polerowicz, Jarek Rusiński, Karol Wundziński

photo Magdalena Skrzeczkowska, Inicjatywa Dzikie Karpaty