wednesday, 12 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Czego boją się rodzice [What parents fear]
spotkanie wokół książki Adama Kaczanowskiego
19.10.2019, g. 18.00

Czego boją się rodzice is a collection of short pieces of prose and a monodrama written for four voices. The everyday life of relationships, holidays spent together and shared parental duties are presented here in the convention of light grotesque, characteristic of Kaczanowski. It is a life shown from the perspective of times in which no one feels confident about the roles they take on. The ever-present concerns over social reality, our relationships with loved ones and fears about the future are captured here with tragical and comic charm by arguably one of the most amusing and inventive authors of our time.

moderator: Marcin Czerkasow

Adam Kaczanowski – poet and writer. He made his debut in 1994 in FA-art and Nowy Nurt. His works have also been published in such magazines as: brulion, Czas Kultury and Kresy. In 1997, Opcje quarterly published his poem entitled Czarna skrzynka / Black Box. A year later, he made his debut with the book Powieka / The Eyelid, a work at the crossroads of several literary genres. In 1999, his poetry volume entitled Życie przed śmiercią / Life Before Death was published in the series Biblioteka Czasu Kultury. In 2000, he received the Medal of Young Art in the literature category. He has been publishing longer prose works since 1998 in Twórczość monthly. His first novel Bez końca / No End was selected by Poland's Book Institute to represent the country at the Festival of First Novels in Kiel, Germany, in May 2006. He published two more novels: Awersja / Aversion and Topless. He was nominated for the 2017 Upper Silesian Literary Award "Juliusz" for his volume Co jest nie tak z tymi ludźmi / What's wrong with these people, and his volume Cele / Objectives earned him the 2019 Wrocław Poetry Award "Silesius". Kaczanowski lives in Warsaw.