thursday, 13 march Open 12 — 19
Municipal Gallery Arsenał

Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań
T. +48 61 852 95 02

Opening hours:

Poniedziałek: nieczynne
Wtorek – Sobota: 12 — 19
Niedziela: 12 — 16

Better Futures: solarpunk, imagination, utopia
2nd meeting
19.09.2023, 6 PM

Come and join us for exercises in solarpunk imagination! Better Futures: solarpunk, imagination, utopia is a series of meetings focused on global warming and related scientific, technological, and political challenges. During the sessions led by Joanna Bednarek we will consider how to talk about the greenhouse effect without reproducing apocalyptic narratives. Our exploration will be guided by visions of a better future created within the framework of science fiction literature, which can serve as inspiration for our speculations about possible protopias! During the events, we will jointly draft an outline of a good, equitable, and eco-friendly society we would like to live in

Excerpts from the readings will be made available free of charge to the workshop participants.

Moderator: Joanna Bednarek


Joanna Bednarek – philosopher, writer, translator, member of the editorial board of Praktyka Teoretyczna; she has published e.g. in: Teksty Drugie, Krytyka Polityczna and Czas Kultury. Author of books: Polityka poza formą. Ontologiczne uwarunkowania poststrukturalistycznej filozofii polityki (Politics beyond form. Ontological determinants of poststructuralist philosophy of politics, 2012), Linie kobiecości. Jak różnica płciowa przekształciła literaturę i filozofię? (Lines of femininity. How has gender difference transformed literature and philosophy?, Barbara Skarga Foundation for Thinking, 2016), Życie, które mówi. Nowoczesna wspólnota i zwierzęta (Barbara Skarga Foundation for Thinking, 2017), and of the novel O pochodzeniu rodziny (On the Origin of the Family, Wydawnictwo WBPiCAK, 2018). She has published literary texts in Czas Kultury, Wakat and FA-art.

graphics: Jessica Perlstein